Screen Print Rear Aluminium

Solar Cell Rear Structure: An Overview

When it comes to solar cells, the rear structure plays a crucial role in enhancing their efficiency. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of the rear structure of a solar cell.

Aluminium Paste Layer

One key component of the rear structure is the thick layer of aluminium paste that covers a significant portion of the cell. This layer serves the purpose of providing a back surface field (BSF). The BSF helps in reducing recombination losses, thereby improving the overall efficiency of the solar cell.

Silver Strips for Interconnection

In addition to the aluminium paste layer, silver strips are also printed on the solar cell. These silver strips serve the purpose of later soldering the cell to the interconnect metal tabs. This interconnection is essential for creating a series connection of multiple solar cells to form a solar panel.

Overall, the rear structure of a solar cell plays a critical role in ensuring optimal performance and efficiency. By incorporating components such as the aluminium paste layer and silver strips, manufacturers can enhance the functionality of solar cells and ultimately contribute to the advancement of solar energy technology.

Screen Print Rear Aluminium

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